Month | Author | Commits (%) | Next top 5 |
2008-11 | rjtanner | 244 (55.00% of 442) | akirschbaum, ryo_saeba, kbulgrien |
2008-10 | rjtanner | 266 (95.00% of 278) | akirschbaum, ryo_saeba |
2008-09 | rjtanner | 127 (76.00% of 165) | akirschbaum, anmaster, ryo_saeba |
2008-08 | rjtanner | 44 (44.00% of 99) | quinet, ryo_saeba, bbotbuilder, akirschbaum |
2008-07 | rjtanner | 207 (66.00% of 311) | akirschbaum, quinet, ryo_saeba, kbulgrien |
2008-06 | anmaster | 118 (58.00% of 201) | akirschbaum, rjtanner, ryo_saeba, quinet |
2008-05 | akirschbaum | 197 (57.00% of 343) | ryo_saeba, anmaster, qal21, gros |
2008-04 | akirschbaum | 104 (67.00% of 153) | ryo_saeba, gros, rjtanner, shatikar |
2008-03 | akirschbaum | 82 (39.00% of 210) | rjtanner, ryo_saeba, kbulgrien, mwedel |
2008-02 | ryo_saeba | 86 (60.00% of 143) | kbulgrien, rjtanner, akirschbaum, mwedel |
2008-01 | akirschbaum | 92 (35.00% of 262) | kbulgrien, ryo_saeba, mwedel, rjtanner |
2007-12 | akirschbaum | 328 (70.00% of 467) | ryo_saeba, kbulgrien, tchize, eracc |
2007-11 | rjtanner | 56 (32.00% of 170) | akirschbaum, tchize, gros, qal21 |
2007-10 | rjtanner | 63 (44.00% of 141) | ryo_saeba, akirschbaum, mwedel, kbulgrien |
2007-09 | akirschbaum | 58 (28.00% of 201) | rjtanner, mwedel, kbulgrien, ryo_saeba |
2007-08 | akirschbaum | 110 (45.00% of 240) | ryo_saeba, kbulgrien, rjtanner, mwedel |
2007-07 | ryo_saeba | 47 (40.00% of 117) | akirschbaum, mwedel, kbulgrien, qal21 |
2007-06 | akirschbaum | 187 (51.00% of 363) | ryo_saeba, qal21, mwedel, gros |
2007-05 | ryo_saeba | 187 (91.00% of 205) | akirschbaum, mwedel, rjtanner, qal21 |
2007-04 | ryo_saeba | 154 (61.00% of 252) | akirschbaum, qal21, eracc, rjtanner |
2007-03 | ryo_saeba | 109 (38.00% of 284) | rjtanner, eracc, akirschbaum, mwedel |
2007-02 | ryo_saeba | 85 (31.00% of 271) | rjtanner, akirschbaum, kbulgrien, mwedel |
2007-01 | ryo_saeba | 52 (56.00% of 92) | akirschbaum, qal21, gros, ketche |
2006-12 | ryo_saeba | 52 (43.00% of 120) | gros, eracc, qal21, mwedel |
2006-11 | eracc | 24 (30.00% of 80) | ryo_saeba, mwedel, akirschbaum, qal21 |
2006-10 | qal21 | 24 (29.00% of 81) | kbulgrien, ryo_saeba, mwedel, akirschbaum |
2006-09 | mwedel | 41 (32.00% of 126) | qal21, ryo_saeba, lalo, eracc |
2006-08 | ryo_saeba | 41 (32.00% of 125) | qal21, eracc, k_ahlers, quinet |
2006-07 | akirschbaum | 17 (22.00% of 76) | qal21, ryo_saeba, mwedel, gros |
2006-06 | mwedel | 14 (28.00% of 49) | akirschbaum, tchize, ryo_saeba, k_ahlers |
2006-05 | akirschbaum | 25 (44.00% of 56) | ryo_saeba, mwedel, qal21, tchize |
2006-04 | cavesomething | 2 (40.00% of 5) | tchize, qal21, akirschbaum |
2006-03 | ryo_saeba | 19 (45.00% of 42) | akirschbaum, mwedel, tchize, gros |
2006-02 | akirschbaum | 37 (39.00% of 93) | mwedel, ryo_saeba, cavesomething, qal21 |
2006-01 | mikeeusa | 43 (25.00% of 171) | akirschbaum, gros, cavesomething, bbotbuilder |
2005-12 | mikeeusa | 89 (53.00% of 167) | akirschbaum, ryo_saeba, eracc, qal21 |
2005-11 | akirschbaum | 39 (32.00% of 121) | mikeeusa, ryo_saeba, eracc, ketche |
2005-10 | mikeeusa | 63 (29.00% of 211) | akirschbaum, ryo_saeba, cavesomething, eracc |
2005-09 | akirschbaum | 56 (34.00% of 162) | mikeeusa, ryo_saeba, eracc, qal21 |
2005-08 | akirschbaum | 23 (36.00% of 63) | mwedel, ryo_saeba, qal21, cavesomething |
2005-07 | ryo_saeba | 51 (41.00% of 123) | akirschbaum, k_ahlers, mwedel, qal21 |
2005-06 | eracc | 31 (63.00% of 49) | mwedel, ryo_saeba, akirschbaum, temitchell |
2005-05 | eracc | 28 (26.00% of 107) | akirschbaum, temitchell, tchize, ryo_saeba |
2005-04 | mwedel | 19 (34.00% of 55) | ryo_saeba, bbotbuilder, akirschbaum, temitchell |
2005-03 | akirschbaum | 41 (39.00% of 103) | majorwoo, ryo_saeba, mwedel, temitchell |
2005-02 | mwedel | 6 (27.00% of 22) | temitchell, salathar, akirschbaum, ryo_saeba |
2005-01 | akirschbaum | 13 (34.00% of 38) | ryo_saeba, mwedel, crowbert, tchize |
2004-12 | temitchell | 7 (33.00% of 21) | crowbert, ryo_saeba, mwedel, akirschbaum |
2004-11 | salathar | 7 (43.00% of 16) | ryo_saeba, akirschbaum, mwedel |
2004-10 | temitchell | 16 (32.00% of 50) | akirschbaum, majorwoo, mwedel, ryo_saeba |
2004-09 | temitchell | 10 (29.00% of 34) | tchize, akirschbaum, ryo_saeba, mwedel |
2004-08 | temitchell | 20 (58.00% of 34) | ryo_saeba, mwedel, akirschbaum, tchize |
2004-07 | temitchell | 19 (90.00% of 21) | ryo_saeba |
2004-06 | temitchell | 14 (37.00% of 37) | mwedel, ryo_saeba, crowbert, avogl |
2004-05 | mwedel | 28 (48.00% of 58) | temitchell, ryo_saeba, akirschbaum, tchize |
2004-04 | mwedel | 24 (46.00% of 52) | ryo_saeba, temitchell, akirschbaum |
2004-03 | ryo_saeba | 17 (40.00% of 42) | temitchell, tanner, mwedel, akirschbaum |
2004-02 | tanner | 29 (35.00% of 81) | mwedel, temitchell, ryo_saeba |
2004-01 | tchize | 22 (30.00% of 71) | ryo_saeba, temitchell, mwedel, onefang |
2003-12 | temitchell | 13 (52.00% of 25) | ryo_saeba, mwedel, quickfur |
2003-11 | mwedel | 20 (44.00% of 45) | ryo_saeba, temitchell, onefang, quickfur |
2003-10 | temitchell | 29 (40.00% of 72) | mwedel, ryo_saeba, crowbert, onefang |
2003-09 | temitchell | 36 (52.00% of 68) | mwedel, crowbert, tchize, avogl |
2003-08 | temitchell | 13 (76.00% of 17) | tchize |
2003-07 | temitchell | 48 (66.00% of 72) | tchize, garbled, ketche, avogl |
2003-06 | temitchell | 14 (42.00% of 33) | gros, tchize, mwedel, crowbert |
2003-05 | temitchell | 31 (53.00% of 58) | mwedel, gros, avogl, jbontje |
2003-04 | temitchell | 24 (77.00% of 31) | mwedel, jbontje |
2003-03 | mwedel | 24 (68.00% of 35) | temitchell, jbontje, avogl |
2003-02 | mwedel | 31 (52.00% of 59) | garbled, temitchell, crowbert, tanner |
2003-01 | garbled | 41 (49.00% of 83) | mwedel, temitchell, gros, crowbert |
2002-12 | garbled | 24 (48.00% of 49) | mwedel, temitchell, tchize |
2002-11 | garbled | 43 (61.00% of 70) | temitchell, gros, mwedel |
2002-10 | garbled | 23 (51.00% of 45) | mwedel, temitchell, avogl |
2002-09 | mwedel | 49 (96.00% of 51) | avogl |
2002-08 | mwedel | 16 (88.00% of 18) | jbontje |
2002-07 | mwedel | 28 (71.00% of 39) | tanner, uid39786 |
2002-06 | mwedel | 23 (95.00% of 24) | jbontje |
2002-05 | mwedel | 21 (84.00% of 25) | tanner, rower, reeve, gros |
2002-04 | mwedel | 11 (78.00% of 14) | rower, jbontje, avogl |
2002-03 | avogl | 14 (56.00% of 25) | mwedel, jbontje |
2002-02 | avogl | 8 (32.00% of 25) | mwedel, tanner, gros, tchize |
2002-01 | garbled | 12 (40.00% of 30) | tchize, tanner, mwedel, jbontje |
2001-12 | mwedel | 18 (39.00% of 46) | darth_bob, garbled, tanner, reeve |
2001-11 | darth_bob | 33 (33.00% of 99) | michtoen, mwedel, garbled, gros |
2001-10 | garbled | 18 (37.00% of 48) | gros, michtoen, darth_bob, mwedel |
2001-09 | avogl | 13 (61.00% of 21) | garbled, mwedel, jbontje |
2001-08 | mwedel | 11 (35.00% of 31) | avogl, reeve, gros, michtoen |
2001-07 | mwedel | 14 (73.00% of 19) | smacfiggen, reeve |
2001-06 | mwedel | 20 (28.00% of 69) | michtoen, reeve, gros, smacfiggen |
2001-05 | mwedel | 42 (43.00% of 96) | mardahl, darth_bob, quickfur, tanner |
2001-04 | mardahl | 49 (34.00% of 142) | mwedel, darth_bob, avogl, michtoen |
2001-03 | mwedel | 43 (47.00% of 90) | avogl, mardahl, anonymous, rower |
2001-02 | peterm | 25 (34.00% of 73) | cvs, tanner, mwedel, avogl |
2001-01 | avogl | 55 (47.00% of 115) | peterm, cvs, pjka, tanner |
2000-12 | cvs | 32 (35.00% of 91) | avogl, peterm, pjka |
2000-11 | peterm | 35 (39.00% of 89) | avogl, cvs, pjka, mids |
2000-10 | peterm | 64 (88.00% of 72) | cvs, avogl, mids, jec |
2000-09 | peterm | 7 (58.00% of 12) | cvs |
2000-08 | cvs | 13 (100.00% of 13) | |
2000-07 | peterm | 3 (50.00% of 6) | cvs |
2000-06 | cvs | 55 (74.00% of 74) | jec, peterm, tanner |
2000-05 | cvs | 28 (58.00% of 48) | jec, cater, ftj, cvsread |
2000-04 | cvs | 47 (94.00% of 50) | jec |
2000-03 | cvs | 24 (100.00% of 24) | |
2000-02 | cvs | 5 (100.00% of 5) | |
1999-12 | cvs | 1 (100.00% of 1) | |
1999-11 | cvs | 1 (50.00% of 2) | cater |
1999-09 | damn | 52 (100.00% of 52) | |
1999-08 | cvs | 27 (81.00% of 33) | damn |
1999-07 | cvs | 29 (100.00% of 29) | |
1999-06 | cvs | 16 (94.00% of 17) | azzie |
1999-05 | cvs | 5 (38.00% of 13) | uid200, azzie, hfukui |
1999-04 | cvs | 2 (33.00% of 6) | azzie, uid200, quinet |
1999-03 | uid200 | 3 (75.00% of 4) | (no author) |